Miss Germany gives nat’l costume headpiece to UST


THE CASTLE headpiece worn by Miss Germany Johanna Acs in the recent Miss Universe pageant national costume competition was officially donated to the University’s Museum of Arts and Sciences last Feb. 13.

In a turn over ceremony, College of Fine Arts and Design alumna Maria Consolacion Dayo-Albar signed a memorandum of agreement with UST Museum director Rev. Fr. Isidro Abaño, O.P. before unveiling the glassed headpiece to the public.

The headpiece was inspired by Germany’s famous fantasy-filled stories by Grimm brothers Jakob and Wilhelm, known for writing the original versions of fairytales such as Snow White, Rapunel, Hansel and Gretel among many others.

Designed by Los Angeles-based designer Christian Pelayo, the headpiece weighs 2 kilograms, with Papier Mâché as its primary medium.

Measuring almost 18 inches in depth, 16 inches for its width and 23 inches in height, it has an off-white base accented with royal blue colors for the towers, gems and diamonds.

Albar said Acs and her adviser Frederick Lovaton decided to donate the headpiece to a school in the country as a sign of gratitude to the Filipino people for their hospitality.

“When I was asked for what school, I told them about UST. It is my pleasure to share to all Thomasians my priceless experience,” Albar told the Varsitarian.

The exhibit also features an array of Miss Universe dolls from the private collection of UST Educational Technology Center Director Cherylle M. Ramos. The dolls portray contestants of the evening gown competition from the 65th Miss Universe pageant.

Among the exhibit is a doll that portrays 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach wearing the crown with her blue evening gown.

The exhibit runs until Feb. 24 at the Museum of Arts and Sciences.

Photos by Jamillah N. Sta. Rosa


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