Lakasdiwa: No ‘willing’ member for top CSC post

Members of University-wide political party Lakas ng Diwang Tomasino file their certificate of candidacies for the 2017 Central Student Council elections. File Photo

UNIVERSITY-WIDE party Lakas ng Diwang Tomasino (Lakasdiwa) has failed to field a presidential bet in the 2017 Central Student Council (CSC) polls, saying the party had no “competent and willing” member for the highest position.

Lakasdiwa Legal Affairs Officer Gino Monsod said the party did not want to force its members to become the standard bearer of the political party.

As a result, Steven Grecia of Lakas Tomasino Coalition is running unopposed for the CSC presidency.

“We did not find a person who was willing, able and competent enough to run under our banner of Lakasdiwa. We don’t want to force anyone [to run for the presidency],” Monsod told the Varsitarian.

Monsod said the party chose vice presidential candidate Renz Santiago and public relations officer bet John Rhorick Legaspi to compete for the post, but both declined.

“It was Renz himself who wanted to run for the vice presidency and we would like to respect his decision and not force him to run for the presidency even though he was capable and competent to be one,” Monsod said in a press conference on March 24.

Monsod said the absence of a presidential candidate would not be a hindrance for Lakasdiwa candidates to serve Thomasians.

“You don’t need to be a complete line-up. Kasi the performance is not in the political party, it’s in the candidate who’s running,” Monsod said.

In the 2012 CSC elections, Lakasdiwa also had no representative for the CSC presidential race.


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