THE 2025 UST Writing Fellowship, which was launched by the University’s Creative Writing and Literary Studies (CCWLS), is set to focus on poetry, drama, and screenplay entries in its second iteration. 

Compared with the first installment, this year’s fellowship will deviate from fiction, creative nonfiction, and other experimental works, according to project coordinator Assoc. Prof. Chuckberry Pascual. 

Ang design ng fellowship ay every other year, magpapalit ng set of genres. Last year ay fiction, nonfiction, and experimental. This year, poetry, drama, screenplay. [Tapos] balik ulit sa 2026,” Pascual told the Varsitarian

This will be the event’s second iteration since it replaced the UST National Writing Workshop last year.

“The [first] workshop format was more open to newer writers who want to undergo a national-level critique of their works, while the current fellowship looks to cater to published [writers] who have a new book or script in the works,” Literature instructor Joel Toledo also told the Varsitarian

Applicants must submit a project proposal and excerpt of at least 15 to 20 poems or long-form poetry of 20 pages for poetry, two one-act plays or a full-length play for drama, and two short film scripts or one full-length film script for screenplays. 

“Accepted fellows are given time to continue their project during the week-long fellowship, [all] while listening to craft lectures from the CCWLS resident fellows and guest writers, as well as availing [themselves of] mentorship sessions with writers of their own choice,” Toledo added.

The fellowship will have a new format of one-on-one consultations and craft lectures, a departure from the original format of the UST National Writers’ Workshop, which was first mounted in 1999.

Pascual will be replaced by UST CCWLS Asst. Director Ralph Semino Galán and resident fellow Joel Toledo as this year’s fellowship coordinators. 

“It’s going to be the same as last year’s, with a lecture outreach component with a partner school or community,” Toledo said. 

The CCWLS aims to hold the fellowship in June or July 2025.

Submission of applications ran until Jan. 15. 



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