NEW Faculty of Engineering Dean Peter Lim said he will strictly implement the student’s dress code, maintain the college’s good performance in licensure exams, and improve the faculty profile as he hopes to “make Engineering one of the UST flagship institutions by 2011.”

“Normally, Medicine and Science are the excellent colleges people think of when they say UST,” Peter Lim told the Varsitarian. “But UST Engineering is already being recognized globally, and now we only have to work harder so when they say UST, Engineering is the next word.”

To realize this vision, Lim said he will enforce stricter student policies to mold respected and disciplined engineers. “International companies say that Thomasians are respectful, flexible and easy to get along with, and that should start with the hair cut and dress code policies,” he said. “As we develop quality education, we also have to watch the students’ attitude to prevent arrogance getting in their head.”

Lim, the former chair of Civil Engineering (CE) Department, said that he credits the high passing rate (94 per cent) that CE got in the licensure exams to the teachers’ effort and the students’ discipline.

“If you will teach students discipline, the proper attitude and the significance of their work, they will study hard and take pride in whatever they will do for the University,” he said.

He also hopes that all professors will have a master’s degree by 2011.

“For every 10 professors in Engineering, only two have master’s degrees, and that is significantly low,” Lim said. “That is why I am urging the professors to obtain a post-graduate degree to improve the Faculty’s standing.”

No regrets

Lim added that he will also establish connections with alumni for UST’s quadricentennial anniversary as well as to get support for scholarship programs.


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