Bokashi, new compost method, urged


REDEFINING the solid waste management in the middle of business and residential outskirts of the country is an emerging trend through the Bokashi composting method, a microbiological composting technology.

Neil Ian Lumanlan, a biological sciences professor at theCollege of Science and an environmental advocate, is one of the practitioners of the alternative composting technique in the country.

“Improper waste management is an inefficient use of resources, wherefore Bokashi composting technology is our quantum leap to utilize food and other organic wastes in farming, livestock and freshwater aquaculture,” he told the Varsitarian.

The concept of this method is to prevent disease-causing microbes, which usually manifest a putrid odor, and to accelerate degradation process in biodegradable wastes from households and industrialized districts. 

It is commonly used among agricultural sectors as fertilizer to plants instead of putting waste into landfills. The method emits volatile organic compounds out of its remains such as carbon dioxide and methane which are primary sources of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change, acidification of oceans and loss of biodiversity.

Bokashi is a Japanese terminology which connotes to a“fermented organic matter.” It was discovered by Teruo Higa, an agricultural researcher who pioneered on the better approach for sustainable farming in his country.

The method introduces microorganism such as lactic acid bacteria to organic wasteto ferment the compost materials

They undergo biological process of breaking down waste and producesorganic acids in preventing acidophobiorganisms that thrives in higher plevels and let acidophiles to do the pickling,” he said.

Similar to pickled fruits or vegetables, the mechanism of the composting technology has a non-foul emitting odor that makes up a cleaner air and as a food for soil farming.

Bokashi composting technology and farming are particular in practice among non-government organizations such as Mother Earth Foundation in Quezon City.

In May 2014, The Cravings Group collaborated with The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart to relaunch a flagship on The Bokashi Project. The advocacy also reached some poor and rural communities like those in Hacienda Luisita, Corazon de Jesus in San Juan, Damayan Lagi in New Manila, Quirino province and Las Piñas City.


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