On the eve of the 49th anniversary of Martial Law, the award-winning movie “Respeto” by UST alumnus Alberto “Treb” Monteras is available for streaming online, free for a limited time.
The 2017 film is about an aspiring rapper and orphan named Hendrix, who forms an unlikely relationship with Doc, a martial law poet. The characters were portrayed by hip-hop artist and FlipTop star Raymond “Abra” Abracosa and actor Dido de la Paz.
Blended with poetry and rap music, the film creatively tackles extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, which have been prevalent under President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration.
“Respeto” won best film in the 2017 Independent Film Festival and the 2018 Cyprus Film Days International Festival, best youth film in the 2018 Carrousel International du Film, and best picture in the 2018 Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences Awards or Famas.
Monteras, a former Varsitarian art editor, was named best director in the 2018 Cyprus Film Days International Festival for his work in “Respeto.”
The movie is available for viewing until Sept. 21 here.