MontañaTHE COLLEGE of Architecture mourned the death last September of well-loved Mathematics professor David Montaña, who suffered from a stroke.

“Sir Dave was one of the professors here in Architecture who was very easy to approach especially when it comes to deadlines,” Architecture dean John Joseph Fernandez said. “He was always in good terms with his students and I never heard any negative remarks about him.”

David had a massive stroke while driving his car on his way home, and was rushed by policemen to the Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City.

“According to policemen who rushed my brother to the hospital, David still managed to stop his car in front of Kenny Rogers restaurant on Quezon Avenue and by then his stroke is already in its advanced stage,” said Arts and Letters professor Robert Montaña, David’s younger brother.

David was confined in the intensive care unit (ICU) for a week. After transferring to a regular room, he had pneumonia and fever, which caused his death.

“I could never imagine that David at such a young age will have a stroke,” Robert said.

Born on Aug. 18, 1960, David came from a family of professors. His mother and eldest sister were professors in the University. His father taught at V. Mapa High School.

His older brother teaches at La Consolacion College while Robert, the youngest, teaches Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

David graduated from the Faculty of Engineering in 1982. He was formerly with the Engineering Department of the Quezon City Hall as a building safety inspector.

Morning sunshine for the perplexed mind

His body was cremated last Sept. 26 and his ashes were brought to the Sto. Niño Columbary in Quezon City. Nikki Q. Angulo


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