BARRING last-minute hurdles, the Faculty of Pharmacy’s two programs may reach Level 3 accreditation in three months, Pharmacy Dean Dr. Rosalinda Solevilla said.

“(The accreditation) will also contribute to the University profile. (The Faculty) will be consistent with the University’s 2011 goal that all programs must (have) at least Level 3 (accreditation),” she added.

Last Jan. 22 to 24, a team from the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (Pacucoa) led by Dr. Karen Tamayo evaluated the Faculty’s Pharmacy and Medical Technology programs.

According to Dr. Emily Tan, overall chair of the Pharmacy accreditation and UST Center for Education and Research Development researcher, the Pacucoa team evaluated eight areas of the two programs: purposes and objectives; faculty profile; method of instruction; library resources; organization and administration; laboratories; physical plant and facilities; student services; and community involvement.

Faculty members teaching in the two programs include four professors with doctorate degrees and 19 professors with at least a master’s degree.

“It’s a good activity for assessing the present conditions of the college so that we can move on towards excellence,” Tan said.

The programs were last accredited in 1998. Under the guidelines for accreditation, a five-year gap is given to prepare for the next level.

However, Solevilla said preparing for Level 3 accreditation was difficult.

“Mahirap talaga. Mas mahigpit ngayon. They required more data input, maximized research results, and were very persistent on standardization,” Solevilla said. “I know we did our best. Let’s just hope for a positive result.” Elka Krystle R. Requinta

Parokya ni Edgar rocks UST


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