EVERYONE wants to be successful in the field that one chooses, whether it is a professional career or not. We want the best for ourselves and for our future. This is also what I try to achieve. So I took up architecture thinking that it be the right course that will lead me to my goal. But unfortunately in recent years architecture in the Philippines been going downhill. It has experienced an awful lot of problems. Local architecture, both the product and the profession, have dangerously deteriorated. This can be seen through the actual buildings completed, their quality and scale. With the small number of buildings and houses being erected nowadays, architects are forced to shift gears and tighten their belts until they get a project.


Local architecture has never been in such a rut. This may be because of the economy and the financial problems facing our country today. Another reason maybe is because of the entry of foreign firms. Local talents are being cast away from the scene and little or nothing is left in the development of our own architecture. Also most projects, of large scale are products of foreign architectural firms. Maybe there is a perception that these foreign firms are much better even if they’re not cheaper.


Our heritage and emerging architecture are being shaken to the very foundations. Because of this, as a student studying architecture, I wonder, “Saan na kaya ako pupulutin after graduation?” Will I still find a place in this career that I’m trying to pursue? Will it still be an intelligent move to stay? This dilemma has been haunting me and perhaps a lot of others who are beginning to have doubts about the career that they are trying to pursue. And I’m still knocking my head asking myself, “Paano na kaya?” I hope that maybe the government and the proper authorities can do something about this. I really feel that there is a need for a change. Because this is our country and all we want is the best for our country and the people living in it. Maybe for now all we can do is move forward and hope that everything will change for the better.

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