THE UNIVERSITY of Santo Tomas Golden Corps of Cadets (UST-GCC) celebrated its platinum anniversary with a testimonial parade last Sept. 23 at the UST Parade Grounds despite heavy rainfall.
Police Director Marcelo Ele Jr., commander of the Philippine National Police Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Force, was UST-GCC’s guest of honor.
“The UST-GCC is relevant; the ROTC cadets could do more in helping the environment and in establishing unity among the people,” Ele told the Varsitarian. “The cadets should be catalysts for change & development in their respective areas,” he said.
In his address, Ele urged Filipino citizens to go vigilant against terrorism and criminal ity.
“I call on the Thomasians to consider responding to this challenge,” Ele, an alumnus of the UST-GCC class of 1971, said. “I have remained a cadet by heart. A Thomasian cadet perseveres, endures, triumphs, and never forgets to serve. “
The presentation and inspection of troops took place after the silent drill exhibition where selected cadets showed off their skills in the manual of arms. This was followed by the traditional salute to cadet officers headed by another UST-GCC alumnus, National Commander Yeshter Donn Baccay.
As early as 1785, recognition was bestowed upon the Thomasian volunteers as King Charles III of Spain gave the institution the title of Regalia and awarded them the Crest of Loyalty or Muy Leal. This was in appreciation for the Thomasian’s effort in defending Manila against the British invasion.
In 1936, the UST-GCC is one of the first few corps of cadets in the Philippines to comply with the National Defense Act of the Commonwealth government.