Who is Cory Aquino for you?

“An icon of democracy.”
-Noel Angelo Andrade, fourth-year Sociology

“An ordinary person who was entrusted with the hope of an entire nation.”
-Sean Parungao, fourth-year Accountancy

“Someone who changed my life, my views about life and Filipino society. She changed the course of history.”
-Jove Jim Aguas, philosophy professor, College of Accountancy

“I wasn’t born yet then, but I want to know her more by keeping her advocacies alive.”
-Wilfred Josue, German language instructor, College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

“Cory is an example of being a good citizen by doing simple things.”
-Marvin Buencamino, fourth-year Music

“She exemplified what a woman should be. She lived up to what her husband said — that ‘the Filipino is worth dying for.’”
-Liona Guzman, second-year Special Education

“Besides her being the first lady president, she is the mother of the nation. Being a leader and a mother, she took a lot of risks and responsibilities.”
-Karla Kalaw, second-year Advertising Arts

“A strong woman, a caring mother and the protector of truth.”
-Hazel Charmaine Tan, third-year Biology

“She is the mother of our country who delivered us from the Marcos era. She’s an icon worthy of respect.”
-Joey Legaspi, third-year Architecture

“Being the first female president, she brought back democracy to the Philippines, which is quite a feat.”
-Riojanie Gatchalan, third-year Hotel and Restaurant Management

“Ina. Lider. Inspirasyon. (Mother. Leader. Inspiration.)”
-Rhodora Lintag, computer professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters

What is Cory’s message for the Filipino people?

“Simplicity—it mirrors her passion for public service. Never did she exhibit desire for pecuniary gain.”
-Kathryn Tan Elemen, Faculty of Civil Law alumna

“You would see in Cory the perfect example of nationalism, which we should show.”
-Cheska Hebron, fourth year political science

“We lost a great mother. Though she had flaws, she delivered us from martial law and rallied and united the people.”
-Ray Ann Cagampang, humanities professor, Faculty of Pharmacy

“Live by example, seek the truth and live by moral integrity.”
-Joel Adamos, mathematics education professor, College of Education

“She wants peace and unity for change.”
-Susanne Martinez, third-year Industrial Rngineering

“Unity for the people, and that the people should help one another.”
-Kate Go, first-year Commerce

“She’s trying to tell the Filipinos that we should not lose hope or faith because God will never forsake us.”
-Dominique Joyce Concepcion, third year psychology

“Unity. When she died last Saturday, people started wearing yellow and became united. They say it was like 1986 all over again!”
-Jeffery Ilao, fourth-year Economics

Theology and Philosophy: Finding a common ground


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