(Updated Feb. 6, 2010) SIX CHORAL groups from different faculties and colleges will showcase their vocal prowess as the Student Organizations Coordinating Council (SOCC) holds Himig Tomasino, the annual inter-collegiate chorale competition at the Medicine Auditorium on February 12.

The four-hour singing showdown titled “Ang mga Saliw ni Juan,” will feature the clash of voices from the Chorus of Arts and Letters, Archipella Mix Ensemble, AMV-College of Accountancy Chorale, College of Science Glee Club, One Voice of the Faculty of Engineering, and defending champion, Faculty of Pharmacy Glee Club.

Students may also vote for their favorite group at http://www.facebook.com/ustsocc from February 1 to 5. The group that will garner the highest number of votes will be awarded the People’s Choice Award.

Tickets will be available starting February 1 at the SOCC office, second floor of the UST-Tan Yan Kee Student Center.

Rumor-mongering in the time of AH1N1


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