1. I will just simply do what my heart desires and face the hurdles with utmost courage and competence. Also, further apply the knowledge this institution has thought me to be able to commit myself to become a God-willed Thomasian nurse. – Nellene Mae Rull, 1st year, Nursing
2. I will be less uptight and just live spontaneously and enjoy the things life has to offer. – Jan Angelo Yvan Cabantog, 2nd year, Journalism
3. Lesser [use of] FB (Facebook), lesser [use of] twitter, more FOCUS on studies, [and] be more punctual. – Aujen Khim Paz, 2nd year, Food Technology
4. I will not let the fear of failure stop me from achieving my aspirations nor will I allow regrets spoil the wonderful things I already have. – Athena Christa De Mesa, 4th Year, Accountancy
5. I will be more diligent, remembering that I must study not just “to know,” but to cure few, heal many and comfort all in the future. – Jenika Gracia Simbillo, 1st year, Medicine
6. I will apply the values that my Alma Mater instills on every student—to exude competence, show compassion, and commit themselves to work, so that one day, we don’t just excel on our field of specialization, but become good Christians as well. – Carmela Faye Pelo, 2nd year, Commerce
7. I will pray every day and ask the Lord for His grace, for I believe when I do, everything I need will be provided – Mine Tagra, 1st year, Pharmacy
8. To face the fear of meeting new people and to explore foreign places on my own. We shouldn’t limit ourselves to what is taught inside classrooms and what society tells us to be. There’s more to life than what we already expect from it. – Justine Loise Burgos, 2nd year, Literature
9. I will not crack boastful aliases on my professors anymore. – Oscar Conrad de Jesus, 3rd year, Civil Engineering
10. I will find a way to do a photo op with the Rector [while] doing the “pa-cute” peace sign. – Melanie Magpantay, (Graduate School) M. History