April 20, 7:13 p.m. – THE UNIVERSITY’S passing rate dipped in the recent “off-season” electronics engineer licensure examination, data from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) showed.
Thirty-one out of 41 Thomasian examinees passed, equivalent to a 75.61-percent passing rate. This was down from last year’s 81.3 percent, wherein 59 out of 71 examinees made the cut.
Only three out of eight first-timers and 28 out of 33 repeaters passed this year’s exam.
As in last year, no Thomasian entered the top 10 list. No school was named “top-performing school” this year because none met the requirements set by the PRC of having at least an 80-percent passing rate and a minimum of 50 examinees.
UST was the top-performing school in last year’s licensure exam. Yuji Vincent B. Gonzales