UST settles for silver in UAAP poomsae


THE UST Tiger Jins surrendered their UAAP poomsae crown to the De La Salle University at the Blue Eagle Gym Tuesday.

La Salle reclaimed the crown they lost last year after securing three gold medals and one silver. UST had one gold and three silver medals. The University of the Philippines finished third with a 1-1-2 gold-silver-bronze medal tally.

“I was not expecting much from the team because wala na ‘yong mga veterans namin pero they all exceeded my expectations,” UST poomsae head coach Rani Ortega told the Varsitarian.

UST’s Adrian Meynard Ang, Jerel Anthony Dalida and Miguel Baladad bagged gold in the team category of the men’s division after recording 8.26 points.

Ang then bagged silver in the individual male category but Jaeb Viterbo failed to reach the podium in the individual women’s division and slid to fifth. 

The UST trio of Viterbo, Erin Salceda and Nasstassja Limos captured silver in the women’s team category with 8.13 points.

The tandem of Dalida and Cyrinne Jazmine Abenir also salvaged second place in the mixed pair division behind 8.20 points.