RENOWNED pianist Raul Sunico is among the 12 recipients of the Gawad Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) para sa Sining Award, announced last July 5.
Sunico, dean for the Conservatory of Music from 2002 to 2016, is the awardee for music.
“It’s a great honor. For me, I feel like it’s a recognition of what I have done, not necessarily as the administrator, because the award is not for being a president, but for my activities as a performer, as an artist, as a teacher,” Sunico told the Varsitarian.
Sunico, best known for his rare feat of performing all four Rachmaninoff concertos in one night, served as CCP president from 2010 to 2017.
“You just work for the best, and kung may award na dumating, it’s something that we don’t plan ourselves,” he said.
Given every three years, the Gawad CCP Para sa Sining is an award given to artists who have consistently produced outstanding works, and enriched the development of their art form.