CFAD prof named research director for interior design council


AN INTERIOR design professor was appointed director for research and publications of the Council of Interior Design Educators last Aug. 1.

Asst. Prof. Mary Ann Venturina-Bulanadi plans to hold a series of forums to enhance the knowledge and skills of her colleagues and future designers.

“My intention is to have [a] series of [forums] to reinforce and develop the knowledge of my co-faculty members of what is [the] empirical, contemporary and practical approach in interior design,” she told the Varsitarian in an online interview.

Bulanadi has been teaching interior design in the College of Fine Arts and Design for 20 years, and is one of the three interior designers working on the rehabilitation of the Metropolitan Theater of Manila.

A University research associate, Bulanadi mounted an exhibit titled “Banyuhay” with the UST Center for Creative Writing and Literary Studies and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts last May 4.

Another exhibit, “Revolutionary,” which opened on May 20, featured the works of revolutionary composer Julio Nakpil and National Artist for Literature Nick Joaquin.


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