A UST psychotrauma specialist warned against not taking suicide threats seriously, while giving tips on crisis and suicide intervention.

In a seminar-workshop at St. Thomas Aquinas Research Complex last May 5 to 7, UST Graduate School and Psychotrauma Clinic consultant and counselor Dr. Johnny Decatoria told an audience composed mostly of psychologists that people with suicidal tendencies succeed in killing themselves because their suicide warning was not taken seriously.

“The fact that the person talks about it, suicide ideation is present,” Decatoria said.

He explained that most suicide cases take place when least expected. Decatoria added that most victims take their lives when depressed.

He said people experiencing depression should not hesitate in seeking professional help.

“Depression is an illness involving the body, mood, and thoughts,” Decatoria said.

On crisis and suicide intervention, Decatoria mentioned that the media, obeah (an act of taking revenge to make its object feel guilty), and environmental pressure are among the main factors that influence the commission of suicide.

Meanwhile, Decatoria explained that crisis is a situation that causes an extremely distressing feeling in the person experiencing it.

Decatoria said a crisis can be a danger or an opportunity.

“A danger because it brings the person into a state of imbalance and it also psychologically cripples the person,” he explained. “(It is also an opportunity) because a person learns or gains some insight from the situation.”

The seminar, sponsored by the UST Graduate School’s Center for Professional Development and Consultancy Services (UST-GSCPDCS), aimed to impart the most up-to-date strategies and techniques in helping depressed and emotionally unstable persons, UST-GSCPDCS director Dr. Cristina Castro-Cabral said.

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The three-day seminar was also attended by participants from Department of Social Welfare and Development, Manila Electric Company, Colegio de Santa Rosa, St. Paul’s College – Quezon City, and Operation Brotherhood Center, San Juan. Richard L. Rodriguez


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