THE UNIVERSITY has come up with a new waste segregation scheme in connection with its Clean and Green Campaign.

In the guidelines released by the Office of the Secretary-General, separate trash cans will be provided for paper, plastics, aluminum cans, glass bottles, dry cell batteries, and styrofoam in each college or department.

Paper must also be classified as white or colored paper, illustration board, carbon paper or newsprint before disposal.

Starting last Dec. 6, each floor has been provided with labelled containers for the disposal of the solid wastes in every building.

Papers that contain classified information must be shredded first before disposal. Aluminum cans should also be pressed.

According to Office for Student Affairs director Dr. Evelyn Songco, violators will be fined P300. Ma. Cristina S. Lavapie

At home at UST and "V": One step at a time


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