IN PREPARATION for the Fourth World Meeting of Families (WMF), a youth festival with the theme “Bigkis Puso: Kabataan at Pamilya’ will take place on Aug. 17 to 18 at the Folk Arts Theater in Pasay City.
Organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Archdiocese of Manila, Bigkis will be an overnight festival of prayer, music, dance, and inspirational reflective talks to be delivered by Filipino youth leaders and youth workers. The event aims to unite families, heal their wounds, and open their hearts to Christ and the good news for the third millenium.
Highlights of the festival include a Family Walk and a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin.
For information, interested parties may drop by or write to the Bigkis Youth Festival Secretariat at Arzobispo St., Intramuros, Manila or call (+63-2) 523-2814 or 527-7361 loc. 205. Rose A. Jabeguero