UNESCO Commissioner Jose David Lapuz’s book has finally seen print.

Launched last Thursday during simple ceremonies at the St. Raymund’s Bldg. audio-visual room, the book, “Perspectives in Politics: Public and Foreign—Rationalizing the Irrationalities of Politics,” is a compilation of Lapuz’s views on domestic and international politcs.

Lapuz told the Varsitarian that his first book, which was conceptualized in 2002, would have been published much earlier if not for technical problems.

“The next time I’m going to have a book published, I’ll make sure that the manuscripts have been encoded in soft copies,” he said in reference to the difficulty in encoding hard copies of his essays.

Lapuz hopes to gain general readership for his book. He, however, was very particular with reaching out to Political Science professors and students, and political analysts since the book deals with politics, international relations, and foreign-policy making.

Although most of the essays were written in the 1980s and early 1990s, the articles can still find application to the current political climate, Lapuz said.

“The essays are based on a theoretical approach on the analysis of international politics and foreign policy,” he said. “The approach will never be outdated because it has no time frame.”

Lapuz has been teaching International Relations and Comparative Politics, Global Issues, Philippine Government and Constitution, and Rizal Course in UST for more than 30 years.

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