MOST students may know who the UST Rector is, but only a handful know the powers that come with being the University’s highest official.

Aside from having the final say in the implementation of various educational programs, reforms, and changes in campus facilities, the UST Rector also has other responsibilities and duties that clearly reflect his influence on the University:

As executive authority, he can promulgate regulations which can become laws of the University once approved by the other Executive Authorities—the grand chancellor (the Dominican Master General, Dominican Philippine Province head), vice chancellor and the vice rector. He has the power to execute laws, norms, resolutions, ordinances, and statues governing the University.

He has the duty to nominate the vice rector, who substitutes for him in his absence.

As a member of the UST Economic Council, he assumes certain responsibilities and authority over economic matters of the University. Together with the vice rector and the treasurer, the Rector automatically becomes a member of the Council upon his appointment. He also has the authority to nominate the four other members of the Economic Council after consultations with the Council of Regents and appointment by the grand chancellor.

As a member of the Council of Regents and the Academic Senate, the Rector has a say in the selection and subsequent appointment of deans of the different colleges and faculties and directors of the departments in the University.

He has the power and duty to appoint members of the Faculty Councils, assistant deans, faculty secretaries, coordinators, and members, and the minor officials of the University such as directors of the Office for Student Admissions, Community Development Office, Budget Office, Publications Adviser, etc.

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He can appoint and remove regents with the approval of the Council of Regents.

He appoints three faculty members for a term of three years with ex-officio members composed of the dean, regent, and assistant dean to form the Faculty Council. He also screens recommendations from the members of the Faculty Council regarding any appointment and dismissal of faculty members and officers.


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