Stress can break hearts.

Other than obesity and unhealthy lifestyle, researchers say that stressful conditions increase incidences of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the number one killer disease in the country today.

A Finnish study published last year in the British Medical Journal claims that stress significantly damages the heart. Researcher Mika Kivimaki of the Finnish Institute of Occupa-tional Health says that “those in work units who receive the most downsizing suffered twice the death rate from heart attack.”

“If there is (persisting) stress, compounded by individual personalities, the tendency is to be linked to heart diseases (such as increased blood pressure and cholesterol level). But that is not always the case,” Prof. Glody Reyes of the College of Science Department of Psychology told the Varsitarian.

According to the study, specific states of mind are correlated with stages of heart disease.

“Man’s mental health is interrelated with his physical health especially when observed through a holistic viewpoint,” Reyes said.

But although researches show that physical and emotional conditions are related, Reyes said science has not yet determined the extent of the relationship between the two.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), breathing, joint pains, and high fever. At times there could be no symptoms at all. The 0-23 age group is more predisposed into having this disease since children and youngsters are more prone to bacterial infection.

“When someone experience sore throat or even cough, he should immediately see a doctor as this may lead to serious complications like RHD,” Gonzaga said.

She advised proper hygiene and sanitation as effective preventive measures against bacterial infection.

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Meanwhile, the DOH also prescribes a number of measures for the youth to keep a healthy heart. Among them: quitting smoking and excessive drinking, regular exercise, high fiber diet, avoiding fatty and salty foods, and maintaining an ideal body weight.

Along with these lifestyle changes, stress reduction programs should be well integrated in healing patients with this disease. Stress reducers like yoga and meditation lower levels of stress hormones, relax arteries, and provide sense of well-being. These are among the hearty benefits to gain from allowing oneself some peace of mind. Jefferson O. Evalarosa and Reagan D. Tan



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