AFTER the launching of the UST Spanish Club last January comes the launching of a Spanish language program in the University.

“Aula Cervantes”, which started last June 18, is a Spanish language program that is, different from the University’s Spanish curriculum. It is open to everyone in the Sampaloc area who is interested to learn the Spanish language.

According to General Education director Dr. Nancy Eleria, the center was suggested by Spanish Ambassador Ignacio Sagaz and Instituto Cervantes- Manila (ICM) director Javier Galvan.

The ICM sent Mikel Larry Muñoz, a visiting Spanish professor from Spain, to conduct the Spanish classes every Tuesday and Friday at the Thomas Aquinas Research Complex.

Eleria said the program’s method of teaching is functional.

“The participants are immediately taught how to communicate (through) guide books, while (they are) simultaneously (taught) the proper conjugation and grammar,” she said.

The program was established as a result of memorandum of agreement between the ICM and the University last February 23.

The Aula (from the Spanish term which means “classroom”) is part of the plan to strengthen cultural linkages between the University and Spain and promote UST’s Spanish heritage.

“This Spanish program can be helpful in the faculty development. Teachers can have competence in teaching the Spanish language in the University,” Eleria said. Jianne dL. Yamzon

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