Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim is being congratulated by Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P. Rector of the University, along with other UST officials after te conferment of the Quadricentennial Service Award during the opening Mass last June 6. Photo by Jilson Seckler C. Tiu

MANILA Mayor Alfredo Lim received the second Quadricentennial Service Award during the opening of the new academic year at the Santisimo Rosario Parish last June 6.

Fr. Rolando de la Rosa O.P., Rector of the University, said the award was given to Lim because he exemplified “the meaning of self-giving,” had become a “model of a truly conscientious public servant,” and had transformed the city of Manila “from a ‘sin city’ to an evolving cultural landmark.”

De la Rosa cited Lim for providing ample lighting among main roads “disciplining” sidewalk vendors around the campus, improving police visibility, and closing beerhouses within the perimeters of UST.

“[The award] could serve as a challenge for me to work harder,” said Lim, who studied at UST 65 years ago as a third-year high school student.

Lim said that while he only studied for a year at UST, his Thomasian education formed his stand that is against the Reproductive Health bill and abortion.

The Quadricentennial Service Award is the only University award given during a Eucharistic celebration, making it a “special honor,” according to De la Rosa.

This yearly award is given to Thomasians and even to non-Thomasians who have rendered significant service to the Thomasian community.

The first Quadricentennial Service Award was given to lawyer Rafaelito Garayblas, executive secretary at the Office of the Manila Mayor, who is also a Legal Management professor at the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

Filipino pride takes a beating


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