Dominican priests, administrators, and hospital staff inaugurate UST Hospital expansion project. Photo by SHERWIN MARION T. VARDELEON

UST HAS more than just classrooms. Soon, UST Hospital, which operates the country’s biggest charity ward, will soon be able to expand its services.

Doctors joined Filipino Dominicans and UST officials in a Eucharistic celebration last Jan. 23 to mark the start of the construction of the UST Hospital extension building and the blessing of a new hospital vestibule.

The Mass, which marked the opening of the Neo-Centennial week, highlighted the UST Hospital’s role as the community’s symbol of hope throughout the years.

“When a patient enters the hospital, his hope of a new beginning is reignited,” Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, O.P., internal auditor of the University, said in his homily. “UST is a Catholic hospital. Therefore, it should be seen as a refuge of hope.”

The construction of the extension building was the “most awaited” project of the hospital, he said.

After the Thanksgiving Mass held at the Angelo King Auditorium, the crowd was invited to join the formal opening of the new hospital vestibule.

Blue and yellow balloons were released after the ceremonial blessing of the grounds led by Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P., Rector of UST. An audio-video presentation of the proposed extension building was shown.

Services in the Medical Arts Building, which will be demolished to make way for the new hospital building, will be temporarily relocated to the newly constructed vestibule.

The new extension building will have a lobby, a chapel, a nurses’ station, public toilets, a board room, and an auditorium.

De la Rosa said funds for the construction would come from hospital income and not from external financing bodies.

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“The money will come from the earnings and savings of the hospital so as to avoid problems with financing. The construction will also have contingency plans,” De la Rosa told the Varsitarian.

The existing hospital building is prone to flooding, so UST has decided to construct a new building to avoid floodwaters, De la Rosa said.

The project is headed by College of Architecture Dean John Fernandez and his architectural firm.

Graduate School Dean Lilian Sison, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Dean Graciela Gonzaga, Conservatory of Music Dean Raul Sunico, and Faculty of Engineering Dean Josefin de Alban were present during the blessing. Antonio Ramon H. Royandoyan


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