May 11, 2012, 12:18 p.m.: THE UNIVERSITY’S passing rate slid in the “off-season” licensure examination for civil engineers, with no Thomasian entering the top 10 list.
UST got a 68.97-percent passing rate, with 20 of 29 examinees passing the test. This was lower than last year’s 72 percent, wherein 18 passed out of 25 examinees.
Of the 20 successful examinees from UST, nine were first-time takers while 11 were repeaters.
The national passing rate also went down to 34.07 percent, with only 1,130 out of 3,317 passing the exam. Last year’s national passing rate was 38.34 percent, with 1,195 of 3,117 examinees passing the test. Reden D. Madrid
Even in its low, low point UST Civil Engineering passing rate is at least twice higher than the national passing rate. With this passing rate in the recent CE Board am sure UST Civil Engineering Department is among the best 3-2% of the country’s civil engineering schools. But of course, UST Civil Engineering can still bounce back higher than this during the season when it usually have its regular examinees take the board. Way to go guys for the CE faculty of the UST Faculty of Engineering.