More than just a newsroom


JOINING the ‘V’ as a lensman was the most foolish decision I made, or so I, a sociology major, thought. I was the fool with the right tools and the wrong manual.

Through the years, there was never a definite path that I planned on taking. The mindset was to “go with the flow,” and with it, I managed to survive my stay in high school, but not for long. I was ambitious, dreaming of many things –- have money, save mother Earth, be immortal for the love of knowledge and even becoming the president of the country.

That I was living in a harsh and cruel world hit my noggin during college–farmers being killed, the press repressed of their freedom, the people deprived of their human rights. It was at that moment I knew that apathy should have no room in a good and just society, that closing one’s eyes to society’s affairs is a sin against mankind. It reminded me of an entry in one of Karl Marx’s essay, ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon’:
“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”.

But even before Marx, social iniquity had been prevalent. Is history really repeating itself or could it be that mankind has just been clinging to its vices and stubborn habit?

My three-year stay at the Varsitarian can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Buy pounding the beat and covering key issues and evens, journalism, I found out, complements by sociological training. By being a sociology student and a photojournalist of the V, I am in the best of both worlds.

The ‘V’ exposed me to outstanding opportunities. It gave me the freedom to grow and improve my craft, as well as my character.

The Varsitarian, for me, is a medium to educate and learn. It was more than just pen and paper, rather it was also a tool in practicing democracy.

Three years was too much for some, even for me. However, like objects in this realm, it will have an end and that I should know when to say goodbye. Luckily for me, I wasn’t completely alone.

I am eternally grateful to my friends and family, who have helped me through life’s roller-coaster ride.

To the staff, don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Don’t let yourself be limited to a certain point, rather be flexible.

In this industry, you must remind yourself that you are not the best, rather you can bring out the best in someone.

The ‘V’ is not for the timid and faint-hearted. Your skills are not enough, but with a heart driven by passion and teamwork, you are sure to survive.

Throughout my journey, I can regard the ‘V’ as more than just a newsroom, it is a second home.

For my farewell, I would love to end with the maxim of the V’s photography staff:

“Mata sa langit, paa sa lupa.”


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