UST alumni: No cover-up in Castillo hazing case


Thomasian alumni groups on Saturday decried allegations of a cover-up in the death of UST law freshman and hazing victim Horacio Castillo III.

In a joint statement, the alumni associations of UST and the Faculty of Civil Law said the University should not be held liable for Castillo’s death.

“There was no attempt at all to cover up the case nor was there any protection or refuge given to anyone involved. [W]e…denounce any insinuation that UST and the Faculty of Civil Law were involved or in any way complicit or negligent in the senseless death of Mr. Castillo,” the statement read.

Henry Tenedero, president of the UST Alumni Association, told the Varsitarian he had talked to officers of the Law Alumni Foundation who were closely monitoring the case, and did not find any indication of a cover-up.

UST Rector Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, O.P. has formed a committee to conduct an internal investigation.

“The reason for its creation is necessarily anchored [on] our Rector’s sincere desire in finding the truth [on] the killing of Atio (Castillo’s nickname),” said Edward Castañeda, president of the Faculty of Civil Law Alumni Association, in an interview with the Varsitarian.

Names of the members of the investigating committee have yet to be disclosed as of posting time.

Lawyer Lorna Kapunan, counsel of the Castillo family, earlier said they would file criminal charges against UST officials including Divina.

“Under the law, the University, the head of the college, and the head of the organization are liable. So all of them must be investigated,” Kapunan told the Varsitarian in an interview.

The 22-year-old Castillo died on Sept. 18 after going through the hazing rites of Aegis Juris Fraternity.


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