IF PROSTITUTION continues unabated because of growing social tolerance for it, is UST tolerating prostitution and casual sex around its immediate vicinity?

No, University officials said. It’s just that it can only do so much. The problem is really the province of City Hall and the police. It is up to them, said Student Affairs head Prof. Evelyn Songco, to “hit the nail on its head.”

When the Varsitarian reported homosexual activities on Lacson St. in 1997 and 1998, UST installed more streetlights on the pavement around the campus. The measure worked for a time and discouraged lascivious activities in the area.

But months after the installation, the streetlights were stoned and smashed. Western Police District (WPD) Station 4 Major Danilo David said that pranksters, or even prostitutes themselves, could be behind the vandalism.

UST officials informed the city government about the matter through a letter. This year, City Hall ordered the removal of plant boxes along A.H. Lacson St. that obscured the view of roving police patrols.

The streetlights on the middle of Lacson St. were also reactivated.

UST is stumped by the fact that it has no jurisdiction over areas outside the campus.

Arts and Letters faculty secretary Josephine Aguilar said that even if University officials are aware of the prostitution and casual sex around UST’s perimeters, the most they can do is to inform the police, the barangay, and the City of Manila about the matter.

Songco said UST is concerned about the matter. “But the City of Manila has to address this complex problem by hitting the nail on its head,” she explained.

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The Varsitarian tried to interview Manila District IV councilor Trisha Bonoan-David about the issue, but to no avail.

Songco said the persistence of flesh trade and casual sex around the UST area is indeed alarming but there are limitations on UST’s part in addressing the problem.

“It’s alarming but there are difficult things to control. Even if we do something, we also have to accept the fact that such problem exists,” Dr. Songco said.

Dr. Songco however, stressed that UST officials will cooperate with community officials and the city government to stop the problem. Ma. Lynda C. Corpuz with reports from Frances Margaret H. Arreza, Bernardette S. Sto. Domingo, and Ma. Criselda A. Uy


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