AN APOSTOLIC society of priests was recently formed in the United States to combat full time abortion, euthanasia, and the pro-choice trend in America and worldwide.

Named after John Paul II’s encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life is the first official pro-life society for Catholic priests and seminarians. Founded by Fr. Frank Pavone, head of the Priests for Life organization and a priest from the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, the new society of priests aims to promote the defense of human life, especially the unborn.

Amarillo Bishop John Yanta signed the constitution of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life on December 12.

“While there are religious communities that give special emphasis to the right to life, the Church has no ‘institutional’ society of men whose exclusive focus is to protect innocent human life from the tragedy of abortion and euthanasia. It is time for such a community,” Yanta said in an article on

The newly formed society received support from bishops and cardinals, including Vatican pro-life advocate Renato Cardinal Martino.

“The call to protect life is not only a foundation of our faith as Catholics, but it is the very basis of our recognition of human rights and the right to life. The human dignity with which we have been endowed by God binds us together as members of the one family,” Martino said.

Originally based in Sacramento, California, the society will maintain offices in New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, California, and Rome. Kris P. Bayos



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