THE SACRED Congregation for Catholic Education of the Vatican has reappointed Fr. Tamerlane Lana, O.P. as Rector of the University for another term of four years.

Vice-Rector Fr. Juan Ponce, O.P. officially announced Fr. Lana’s reappointment during the Mass of the Holy Spirit that opened the new academic year at the UST Chapel last June 10.

According to UST Secretary-General Fr. Winston Cabading, O.P., the UST Fathers and the Academic Senate—composed of the deans—nominated three possible candidates for rectorship. The other nominees were Fr. Ponce and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Fr. Antonio Aureada, O.P.

The result of the election was forwarded to the University’s board of trustees for their comments and recommendations.

The recommendations of the board of trustees were presented to the Dominican General Curia for assessment before it was submitted to the Holy See.

Cabading explained that Fr. Lana’s election went through a complicated process because UST is a Pontifical University and a Dominican institution, putting it under the jurisdiction of the Holy See and the scrutiny of the Dominican Order.

Fr. Lana’s reappointment received a positive response around the University.

University registrar Rodolfo Clavio said Fr. Lana’s reappointment is welcome because he performed well during his first term.

“He obviously deserves it. Besides, I think he still has a number of projects that he still has to continue,“ Clavio said.

Moreover, a student said Fr. Lana deserved to be reappointed because of the smoke-free campus campaign of UST.

“Considering the recent campaigns against smoking inside the campus, I think he deserves that reappointment. But he still has to have new ideas,” Indonesian Graduate School student Samosir Martihus said.

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In addition, Manuel Ramon Amanse, AB Student Council president, said the no-smoking campaign is a brilliant policy.

“With Fr. Lana in position again, I hope the University will make even greater strides—with everybody’s help, of course,” Amanse added.

Fr. Lana plans to continue the preparations for the UST quadri-centennial celebrations. In line with the “Vision 2011”, he plans to pursue his long-term development projects such as upgrading the school’s Catholic-Filipino identity; improving academics, research, and community service; improving the school’s finances and resources; and improving the facilities and human resources.

“We are planning to put up a building for Information Technology and a Students’ Center. We are also trying to establish UST as the Center for Theology in Asia. I think UST should be the pioneer in this—it has always been our dream,” Fr. Lana said.

With these plans, Fr. Lana said he hopes UST will remain to be a premier university in the Philippines and Asia.

Fr. Lana will be reinstalled on June 26 at the UST Chapel. Elka Krystle R. Requinta


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