“HYMNS for hemophiliacs, a tribute to friends.” This was the theme of the one-night concert sponsored by the National Hemophilia Center of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) as part of the celebration of its third anniversary last July 29 at the UST Museum.

The fund-raising event for hemophiliacs, graced by Department of Health Secretary (DOH) Manuel M. Dayrit, was highlighted by concert of the UST Symphony Orchestra with Conservatory of Music Dean Raul Sunico as pianist.

Prior to the concert, the National Hemophilia Center website and exhibit were launched at the mezzannine of the USTH Private Division. Likewise, a voluntary blood donation drive in collaboration with the DOH National Voluntary Blood Services Program was held.

The National Hemophilia Center, located at the third floor of the USTH Clinical Division, is the only duly recognized hemophilia center in the Philippines. It conducts the early detection, identification, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of hemophilia and its complications. It also publishes recent reports on the status of hemophiliacs in the country.

Hemophilia is a hereditary disease transmitted to the x-chromosome, causing bleeding due to the absence or abnormality of a clotting factor in the blood. Brix Gil M. Bayuga

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