Aiming to reach world-class standards in service, the University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) is eyeing for a certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) by January 2003.

Currently, USTH is mapping out the status of its departments and documenting the reports of the department heads, said Engr. Ernesto de Vera, the hospital’s assurance and general services director. “In this way we will see which department needs the foremost attention, what are the needs of each department, and what could be done about them,” he said.

De Vera said the certification, would help the hospital gain an international reputation for quality service.

“With an improvement in the hospital’s reputation, USTH would gain the confidence of the patients. And when the patients learn to trust in our doctors, it would also boost the latter’s self-confidence,” De Vera said.

The hospital’s reports and documentations would be sent to ISO for evaluation. The ISO requires a written environmental policy set by the company to all employees, a program ensuring that all employees are given protective gadgets if ever they need to work in hazardous places and be provided with efficient facilities so as to lighten their work. Without this, the ISO will not give a certification as proof that the institution has an active environmental program.

The ISO certification is a proof of the company’s quality management and correct environmental management.

According to De Vera, aside from Quality management, active environmental protection is also a criteria for the certification.

“How do we do this? By providing them (USTH personnel) with a workplace conducive for the work that they do, efficient facilities and sufficient protection gadgets if ever they need to work in hazardous places. Without these you cannot rightfully claim that you have a healthy and active environmental protection program” he said. Jennifer B.Fortuno

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