THREE former instructors are accusing the University administration of “unfair labor practice” and illegal dismissal after being terminated as part of a crackdown on non-tenured faculty members without master’s degrees.

Raymund Antiola, Raymond Son, and Wilfredo Pollarco, former instructors at the College of Fine Arts and Design (CFAD), filed separate complaints against UST Rector Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P., Academic Affairs chief Clarita Carillo, CFAD Dean Cynthia Loza, Regent Fr. Edgardo Alaurin, O.P., and the CFAD faculty council before the National Labor Relations Commission last July 5.

Copies of the complaints obtained by the Varsitarian showed the three, who were terminated last June 8, also claimed they were underpaid and deprived of regular status, in violation of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between UST and the Faculty Union. The three are seeking damages.

The Varsitarian earlier reported that non-tenured faculty members without master’s degrees were required to sign waivers renouncing their right to tenureship at the start of the academic year, after the University decided to strictly enforce a Commission on Higher Education (Ched) memorandum requiring all college teachers to have master’s degrees.

The union said those who did not sign were terminated.
Of the three complainants, only Antiola, who was hired in June 2005, agreed to be interviewed.

“The issue has gone too far that it has become a quest for truth and justice, a fight for principles and values,” Antiola said.
UST lawyer Arsenik Pagaduan declined to comment, saying the matter was confidential.
Father De La Rosa told the Varsitarian last month faculty members should at least have a master’s degree because it’s the “law of the land.”
Reynaldo Reyes, Faculty Union vice-president for grievance and complaints, said UST itself has been violating the law for re-hiring professors who had signed the waivers.
“If Father Rector says the law of the land prevails over the CBA, with that waiver coming from the Office of Academic Affairs issued by [Carillo], that’s violating two laws of the land, namely: the minimum requirement by the law [of a master’s degree], and the Labor Law,” Reyes said.
Ched Memorandum Order 40 series of 2008 or the “Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education” states that all college teachers should have a master’s degree.
Waivers issued to non-tenured faculty members without master’s degrees placed them on probationary status, despite a provision in the CBA that allows professors to attain tenureship after five consecutive
semesters even without a master’s degree. Thirty professors from the College of Nursing have been given appointment papers after signing the waiver.
Antiola said he had nothing against the government policy requiring all professors to have master’s degrees. “We respect the Ched memo but the waiver is against our principles and rights. We have rights
protected by the CBA. We cannot waive these rights,” Antiola said.
Antiola said five CFAD professors including him were originally given “thank-you letters” but one signed the waiver, cancelling his termination. He refused to disclose the names of the other professors.
Pollarco, 54, had been with CFAD for six years while Antiola, 26, and Son, 38, had been teaching for five years. Their monthly salaries ranged from P35,000 to P45,000.
Union president Gil Gamilla criticized the manner in which the CFAD instructors were terminated. “The union will stand for the good of the faculty members … According to them, they were given thank-you
letters. It’s like they were dismissed illegally,” Gamilla said. Charmaine M. Parado and Darenn G. Rodriguez

Agham at Teknolohiya: patungo sa komersyalismo?


  1. These professors maybe great but they have to follow university policies. College Professors should have Masters Degrees and better Doctorate Degrees in whatsoever reasons.

    I don’t think its a violation on the part of UST since ALL professors were advised to consider further studies since the term of Fr. Lana. The university should implement its internal policy to be able to maintain its high standards of education. The following professors who got terminated should know that. Its not enough that you have the experience. Having a tenure as a college Professor is different in applying a job wherein a masters degree is preferred but not required. Teaching and transmitting knowledge to students is very critical. I believe that having a masters degree will expose professors in the field or research and development. I just do hope that the professors involved realized that.

    Well, I hope that UST will strive more to become better by implementing strict rules in the Professors as well as the student selectivity.


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