Watching the evening news recently, I was struck by what a girl, about ten years of age, said in a certain report.

?”It’s not only adults who get stressed. Kids like us also get stressed, [too],” she said. Children of their age, she added, have to destress too.

I was quite surprised with what the little girl had just said. As much as I can recall, at the age of 10 I was still into playing and the word “stress” was alien to me.

Funny how being stressed has become overrated to this generation and how stress has somewhat become the trendy.

With the emergence of the Internet and social networks, distraction has been made rampant. This has added to the stress of young people.

According to the Internet celebrity Ramon Bautista, it should only take 15 minutes of your time in the morning and in the evening to check your Facebook, Twitter, and the like. Do not get stuck there or else, you’re not going to finish anything.

Are you really stressed? Or is it just because you have not finished your homework on time because you are busy uploading pictures of your latest gig in the club? Or maybe updating your status on Facebook every now and then? Or perhaps “Tweeting” that you’re already done eating and you still manage to go out with your friends?

As of this writing, everyone’s down with a week before the final examinations. Requirements are all piled up, projects are due to submission, and cramming is the order of the day.

Ustetika 2011 falls short of first-placers

Perhaps being under the state of pressure helps some students finish their work before the deadline. But isn’t it easier if you’ll be able to submit or finish earlier as expected?

As students, we are held responsible for what is asked of us. If we learn to prioritize, we would be able to avoid stress.

Under pressure? College life is always seen to be like this. But if only we could change our perspective toward school and see it as a learning experience rather as a burden, everything will be a lot easier.

With the rise of technology where everything becomes convenient to all of us, much is expected especially to the youth of today. From library to Google, from typewriter to computers, or even from actual books to e-books—these things should be utilized well.

Still under pressure? Relax, the semestral break should afford us rest.


Unleash the writer in you!

Join the the 27th Gawad Ustetika, the annual student awards for literature of the University of Santo Tomas. This is open to all current Thomasian students who have flair for writing poetry, short story, essay, and one-act play, in English or Filipino.

See posters for more details or visit the Varsitarian office (406-1611 local 8235). Also, check Ustetika on Facebook (Varsitarian: 27th Ustetika).


The 83-year-old official student publication of UST is set to hold a three-day journalism workshop from Oct. 13 to 15 at the Thomas Aquinas Research Complex auditorium and the Tan Yan Kee Student Center, UST, España, Manila.

For more information about Inkblots, contact the Varsitarian at (632) 406-1611 local 8235 or e-mail

Winning designs on CCP redevelopment exhibited

Also, check out The Varsitarian: Inkblots 2011 on Facebook.


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