FOLLOWING the death of a San Beda freshman in a fraternity “hazing,” students from the Faculty of Civil Law—particularly members of fraternities and sororities —have denied that they engage in the same activity.

Marvin Reglos, a 25-year-old alumnus of the College of Commerce and Business Administration who went on to take up law in San Beda, is the latest victim of hazing, which supposedly happened during fraternity rites in Antipolo City last Feb. 21.

In a statement released by the Civil Law Student Council (CLSC), Thomasian law students protested a demand to prohibit fraternities and sororities arguing that such a measure would not stop physical violence.

“We [in Civil Law] do not believe that to ban or abolish fraternities is a solution to the problem,” the statement said. “We firmly uphold the right to organize as a fundamental Constitutional right. Whether or not they are illegal, they will exist.”

The statement, however, called on fraternities to “loose grip” in accepting new members.

“We propose that fraternities explore many other possible avenues to test the fitness of every aspirant to join their brotherhood. We recognize the need for artificial hardships to test the character of a young man, but we believe it need not inflict physical or psychological brutality on neophytes,” the statement said.

CLSC president Lester Lomeda, said UST Law extends its deepest condolences and prayers to the family of Marvin Reglos.

In UST, Reglos took up Nursing before shifting to Commerce. He graduated in 2010.

“[Marvin] asked his older sister if he can join the fraternity. Since he was old enough to make the decision of his own, she allowed him to,” said Francis Gatdula, cousin of Reglos and a student of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

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After hearing news that a group of men rushed to a hospital in Antipolo and brought someone who was later declared dead on arrival, Reglos’ sister Lorvie immediately called the police station and confirmed that it was Marvin.

Reglos died wearing a shirt bearing the name of inter-school fraternity “Lambda Rho Beta.”

Police officers are still investigating who is responsible for the student’s death.

Recognized ‘orgs’

Lomeda said fraternities and sororities undergo a strict accreditation process in UST.

“Just like any other local-based or university-wide organization in UST, fraternities and sororities submit their recognition requirements in the Office for Student Affairs (OSA),” Lomeda said. “Further, all organizations in UST Law renew our Manifesto of Peace and Non-violence.”

The manifesto requires all recognized organizations, including fraternities and sororities, to veer away from violent activities and initiation rites. All activities and events to be conducted by must be approved by the OSA.

“We [in Civil Law] do not subscribe to violence and hazing,” Lomeda said. “All activities are subject to the approval of their adviser and the OSA.”

Other than Civil Law, students of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery also favor “legalizing” fraternities and sororities.

Medicine and Surgery Student Council president Jacky Corpuz said fraternities and sororities are not different from other student groups, which is the reason why they should be referred to as “organizations.”

There are three fraternities in Civil Law, namely, Aegis Jvris, Gamma Delta Epsilon, and Suprema Lex, and one confraternity, Ordo Luminis Legis. In Medicine and Surgery, there are five fraternities: Zeta Beta Mu, Tau Mu Sigma Phi, Gamma Beta Epsilon, Scintilla Juris, and Sigma Beta Phi; and three sororities, Alpha Delta Mu, Sigma Tau Delta, and Theta Lambda Phi. Camille Anne M. Arcilla


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