“LIVE life as if you’re eating an ice cream; you should enjoy it before it melts.”

These were the words of Fr. Senen Ecleo, O.P. when I told him about my dad’s ambivalence to attend a reunion in his hometown.

Father Ecleo’s words made me think about the way I am living my life today. My life is not as sweet and as pleasurable as an ice cream; it is bitter yet tolerable. Each task is difficult to handle but with every challenge comes a promise of a better life.

Here in the Varsitarian, I realized that nothing’s impossible if you love what you’re doing. For more than a year, I was able to juggle being a ‘V’ staff and a Nursing student.

Prior to my entrance in the University, I have established it in my mind that I will join this publication. However, due to our ever busy schedule, I found it impossible to join. This prompted me to join our college’s local publication instead.

My two years in our college publication was fun but it wasn’t able to satisfy my hunger to write. I found myself joining ‘V’ and applying to its News section.

Being a News reporter was tough and stressful.

But in the Varsitarian, I learned that love comes unpredictably, and when it arrives, there is no way to stop it.

I’m a proud no-boyfriend-since-birth college graduate. I didn’t understand why my friends who are in a relationship give too much for their special someone until I realized that I’m in love.

For more than a hundred times, I had the urge to leave this publication because it was never easy to be a third-year guinea pig of a new curriculum and a “hard-section” writer at the same time. It has never been easy to meet the demands of a college with “excellence” attached to its name and be a ‘V’ editor, especially now that the Nursing board examinations are just around the corner.

The key to history

In spite of all the hardships and thoughts of leaving, I stayed. I stayed because of two reasons—I love writing and I’m committed to the Varsitarian.

Every time I thought of writing my resignation letter, I thought of the reason why I applied for a place in ‘V.’ I wanted to develop the craft that is dearest to me.

The Varsitarian “School of Journalism,” as my great mentor Cliff Venzon calls this publication, is actually the best Journalism school in the country. This is the only learning institution which gives a three-day lecture and a year of practicum and field experiences to its “students.”

No wonder, ‘V’ satisfied my thirst to learn and to harness my skills as a writer.

The Varsitarian definitely made my life a bitter melon, but it also made my life more meaningful and fun.

It was difficult for me to edit a section I was not trained for but my beloved writers, Marnee, Enzo, and Nigel, helped me get through all the hardships. Words are not enough to express how grateful I am for everything that you gave me and for all the things that I learned from you. Thank you for showing me that there’s nothing impossible as long as we work as a team.

Marnee, we’ll leave the Varsitarian together, very soon. I hope you’ll find the best place where you would grow and be happy at the same time.

Brylle, I wish you all the best! You’re the only one who would stay from our batch. I hope to see you go up stage to receive your Palanca someday. Keep loving and taking care of this publication.

UST taps PNP for Paskuhan security

To my dearest friends in V, to the editorial board, to my fellow editors, and outgoings, congratulations! We survived the Varsitarian!

To our advisers, Sir Lito, Sir Ipe, and Sir Ian, thanks for giving me your time every time I need someone to help me make up my mind in a lot of things. Your support placed Special Reports to the top and helped us exceed our limits.

To Inna, Bena, LA, Do, Icae, Grace, Ciara, Janela, Neil, Te Alen, and Mishee, thanks for your understanding, for supporting me, and for making me laugh hard in the middle of our tough tasks in Nursing.

To my dearest classmate, my best friend Ciara, thanks for keeping me company for four years and for making me feel that you absolutely care about me. I never met anyone as thoughtful as you are. Thank you for being a great and loving friend.

To my parents, thank you for letting me pursue writing in the Varsitarian although you disapproved of it, and to Hazel, my dearest sister, thank you for being beside me all the time and for your patience and understanding. I’m so lucky to have a family that never fails to make me feel how dear I am.

To my Quadricentennial editors and co-writers, especially the ‘Q’ News team, working with you is unforgettable.

To the Amihans, especially to Sister Vinoya, Sir Cris Maslog, Ate Dandan, and Sir Jere, thanks for serving as my inspiration.

Once a V, always a V—I’ll keep this in mind! The Varsitarian is the greatest experience I ever had in my life!

Saint-popes of new evangelization

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