THE THOMASIAN community has thrown its support behind newly installed Rector Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, O.P.
His immediate predecessor, Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P. cited the need to continue UST’s programs, such as “Simbahayan,” an all-encompassing project promoting unity among Thomasians, and UST’s drive for academic excellence.
“I hope he will continue what we started during the past four years,” De la Rosa said.
Newly appointed Vice Rector Fr. Richard Ang, O.P. pledged his all-out help to Dagohoy, the 96th Rector.
“He can expect full support from me. I will give my utmost dedication to my assigned task [as vice rector] because he entrusted that to me,” Ang said.
‘Effective manager’
Former Vice Rector Fr. Pablo Tiong, O.P. is confident that UST will acquire “very effective management” considering that Dagohoy is a public accountant.
“In addition to his theological and philosophical perspectives, he also brings with him [the needed] additional administrative skills of being an accountant,” he said.
Former UST Vice Chancellor Fr. Quirico Pedregosa, Jr., O.P. believes Dagohoy would be a good leader due to his academic background and experience.
“It’s very important for him to lay the ground work for the next century,” Pedregosa said.
Fr. Filemon de la Cruz, Jr., O.P., former vice rector for religious affairs, likewise credited Dagohoy for experience and good visions for UST.
“His sense of continuity, stability, and dynamism is a good vision [for UST]. It’s a good way of looking ahead,” he said.
Faculty of Sacred Theology Dean Fr. Rodel Aligan, O.P. said he expects the Rector to choose the right persons to manage the University in the next four years, noting that UST is as good as the people managing it.
Aligan suggested that his faculty be given more focus since it was the first academic institution established in UST.
“If we are celebrating the 400 years of the University, it is because of the Faculty of Sacred Theology,” Aligan said.
Cynthia Loza, dean of College of Fine Arts and Design, said she was expecting further improvements for the University’s continued stability.
“I heard [his] intentions of continuing good projects [and it] is very good. There’s no need to change everything since the outputs of the projects are commendable but [we] also expect him to go for improvements,” Loza said.
More public presence
Pharmacy Assistant Dean Elena Manansala said a stronger public presence of the University is needed.
“This will stir our Thomasian pride and loyalty to UST,” she said. “We pray that God gives him the wisdom, strength, and grace to accomplish his goals during his [four-year] term.”
Nursing Assistant Dean Susan Maravilla expects the Rector to lead the University to greater heights.
“I think he will encourage 'participative management' [by] listening to the concerns of all the sectors within the University,” she said.
But she expressed concern over the possible decline in Nursing enrollment.
“We have maintained the number of sections [in Nursing]. I just can’t say if in the near future, we will still be able to do that,” Maravilla said.
Ma. Cecilia Tio Cuison, dean of the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, is confident that Dagohoy would surpass all the challenges that would come during his term.
“[I hope] he would continue provide another facility to house everything so that we could produce quality students in the industry,” she said.
Faculty Union President George Lim said his group was looking forward to a harmonious relationship with the Rector.
“We look forward to beginning a new negotiation for the [collective bargaining agreement]. We look forward to a better CBA, with better benefits for the faculty.
VIPs approved
Members of the diplomatic corps and high-ranking officials also expressed support for the new rector.
“I wish him the best of luck and success and we know he will lead the Catholic religion,” said Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim.
UST Hospital Opthalmology Head Dr. Reynaldo Javate, an alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, cited Dagohoy’s achievements as treasurer of the hospital.
“There are many improvements in the hospital, especially in the doctor’s offices. These improvements in the hospital are evident with latest state-of-the-art facilities and equipment,” Javate said.
Dagohoy kin elated
Dagohoy’s mother, Herminia, was overwhelmed with his son’s achievement.
“He is very kind and he finishes the work he started,” Herminia said.
Francisco, Dagohoy’s youngest brother, said the family was happy and shocked with the appointment at the same time. The family felt challenged with the big task ahead but assured the new Rector of the support he deserves.
“He has always been supportive even when he entered the priesthood. He never takes us for granted,” Francisco said. “He’ll be able to accomplish everything in his term as rector.” Bernadette D. Nicolas and Nikka Lavina G. Valenzuela with reports from Kristelle Ann A. Batchelor, Yuji Vincent B. Gonzales, Andre T. Santiago, and Cez Mariela Teresa G. Verzosa