CENTRAL Student Council (CSC) President Robert Dominic Gonzales called on professors and students to treat rape as a serious matter.
“I hope educators, and students alike, learn [..] [that] rape is never the victim’s fault and shall be taken seriously,” Gonzales tweeted.
UST Hiraya President Judy Clariz Borja said the University should become a safe space where victims and survivors of sexual harassment and violence could open up without being blamed or asked to forgive their abusers.
“[T]he most important thing that we can do is direct them to safety […] it took a lot of courage to seek help, so in return let us listen, don’t invalidate what happened to them, and help them seek justice,” Borja told the Varsitarian.
“The process is hard, but with organizations, local and central student councils by your side, no matter how tough the process may be, you will have them to fight and stand with you,” she added.
On July 29, the UST Engineering Student Council released a statement condemning sexual harassment, citing complaints filed in their college.
Gonzales also reminded students of the importance of following the proper procedure in filing cases, and not post photos or videos indiscriminately.
“[L]et us also be prudent when it comes to posting/publicly sharing these videos so as to avoid repercussions on our end. It is still best for us to proceed with the proper avenues of filing complaints,” he said.
Under UST’s guidelines on synchronous sessions, posting of pictures, videos and/or audio recordings of virtual activities on social media without prior approval of all participants included is prohibited.