Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tag: Literary Workshop

Varsitarian holds 7th Fiction Workshop

FREE your imagination and write your thoughts. The Varsitarian, the 83-year-old official student publication of the UST, will hold the 7th Fiction Workshop on...

‘Write what has not been written’

STORIES nowadays seem to possess the same ordinary elements that would make readers roll their eyes and say: “I’ve read that before.”

The panelists of the sixth Varsitarian Fiction Workshop held last September 12 and 19 called the attention of budding fictionists to write something the generation has not yet read, challenging them to do away with what readers are already accustomed to.

“Go against the grain of common thought,” said Rosario Lucero, acclaimed writer and a professor at the University of the Philippines (UP). “It’s like putting your feelings into imagination.”

5th Fiction Workshop