EVERY year, global warming gets worse. Despite complaining about the heat constantly, have we ever really done anything to level it down?

The youth’s concern for the country’s worsening climate and environment leaves much to be desired. Although we suffer from the consequences of climate change daily, we seem oblivious to the fact that we too have a responsibility to our environment.

In 1972, the United Nations’ General Assembly declared June 5 of every year to be World Environment Day to promote awareness of the environment and to instigate change. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) meanwhile, has been celebrating Environment Month every June since 1998 by virtue of Proclamation 237 issued by President Corazon C. Aquino.

In celebration of this year’s Environment Month with the theme “Beat the Heat. Let us work towards a safer climate,” the DENR is forming alliances with the academe, local governments, church, and the youth in an effort to get Filipinos involved in the global campaign to control climate change.

According to DENR Secretary Angelo T. Reyes, climate change is the world’s greatest environmental challenge. Scientists predict that temperatures worldwide will rise by two to six degrees Celsius by the end of the century unless firm action is taken to curb the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.

Reyes said that by engaging the support of all sectors of society, including the youth, Philippine efforts to reduce the emission of hazardous greenhouse gases are strengthened.

Even as students, there are things we can do to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Segregating our waste, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and patronizing recycled products are just but some of what we can do. As simple and convenient as they may seem, these practices can go a long way once they become a habit.

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We are all equally responsible for our environment. It is important for Filipinos, especially the youth, to take an interest in environmental issues because we will be the ones suffering the consequences of our indifference in the future.


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