UNIVERSITY of Santo Tomas Rector Fr. Tamerlane Lana, O.P. was re-elected vice president of the Catholic Educators Association of the Philippines (CEAP) during its 2002 national convention last Sept. 25 to 27 at Xavier Sports and Country Club, Cagayan de Oro City.

According to Fr. Lana, his re-election would mean the cooperation of the association in some of the University’s projects, the sharing of resources of the different Catholic schools, and the collaboration from CEAP concerning advocacy on education issues.

He added that there would be additional emphasis on academic freedom among the member schools. CEAP would also lobby for support against recent bills such as the abortion bill and the magna carta for students and teachers.

The convention, “Looking Within, Seeing Beyond: Process, Purpose, and Passion in Catholic Education Today,” was highlighted by talks on strengthening the Filipino family and home-school partnerships, the strategic positioning of Philippine schools amid the global trends in education, and the role of Catholic schools in the pastoral priorities of the Church.

In addition, CEAP assessed its member schools’ competency, formulated strategies to meet educational trends and enhance the Catholic culture of the schools, and drafted school responses to the pastoral priorities of the Church.

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