EVERYONE wants to be happy. It is human instinct to desire for happiness. Although we continually search for happiness and well-being, some of us haven’t found its real meaning. I personally haven’t found mine yet.


During our first Ethics class, my classmates and I were amazed when our professor gave us our assignment. He told us to interview people and ask them, “Are you happy? Why or why not?”

The question seemed so simple and yet hard to answer. Everyone I asked was so surprised and even thought that I was joking. Who would have thought that simple question would give them so much adversity as they were a complicated mathematical problem?

Apparently, people still find it difficult to discover is the true essence of perfect happiness.

Most of us say that happiness can be obtained through wealth. If you are rich and can have all the material things you want in this world, you will finally be happy. However, wealth provides only temporal happiness. You may be happy for a while, but what happens after you die? Will you be able to bring all those material riches to the next life?

Others say that happiness can be achieved through good looks and popularity. Fame and glory can be yours. Everyone will envy your desirable looks and all will die just to be like you. But what happens if you grow old and outdated? Will you still command the attention and praises you had during your youth?


There are many misconceptions about the meaning of perfect happiness. Many confuse it with wealth, bodily pleasures and luxuries in life, glory, prestige, honor and glamour. We think that earthly possessions will suffice for happiness we want to obtain.

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These are merely temporary. They don’t last forever.


Panizo once said, “Perfect happiness cannot be attained in the present world through material things. All the temporal goods in the world are inadequate for the spiritual and immortal soul of man. They are imperfect and mixed with evil.”


Perfect happiness is only achieved if we accept God into our lives. If we abide and follow God, then we can truly be happy. Returning to our basic needs can also lead us to true and perfect happiness. Being with your family and nurturing love among yourselves may help you reach the optimum level of happiness. The bond and closeness that you build with your family members serve a strong foundation for your personal development, thus leading you to your personal goal.

Appreciate the simple things in life. Learn to see happiness in the simple things that you encounter. Little things like seeing colorful butterflies in a garden, or simply being thankful because you are alive and seeing the wonders that God has created for us. The air that we breath is often ignored and we don’t thank God for that. Air is a simple thing but it is very vital for us.

Know that in all the things that we do in life, we should always be with God. God alone can lead us to nirvana. He is the beginning and the end.


“Following after God is the desire for happiness; to reach God is happiness itself… For whoever possesses God is happy.” – St. Augustine

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To all Thomasians, be happy.


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