VICE-PRESIDENT Teofisto Guingona stressed the importance of education and involvement in sports and the arts during his lecture “Youth for Peace” at the Medicine auditorium last Dec. 12.

According to Guingona, a well-educated individual contributes to peace and order when he is busy with worthwhile activities.

“A sporty kid busies himself with how to improve his skills, while a scholarly one hungers for more information that might lead to answers to his questions. Such kids have no time for squabbles that are often caused either by boredom or lack of attention,” he said.

The Vice-President also discussed the government’s campaign to get street urchins off the streets.

“The aim is for the government to be a good provider of education and nurturer as it should have been, that is why we are reviving this campaign. These children have no future in the streets. They should be inside the classrooms,” Guingona said.

He also said the tax exemption bill for education will be a big help to parents as they would be able to send their children to school with less financial burden.

“The more parents can afford to send their children to school, the lesser the chances of them going into drugs and joining gangsters,” Guingona explained. Jennifer B. Fortuno

Isang Dayalogo


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