EVERYTIME I leave the Varsitarian office, I seldom bid goodbye to anyone left in the room. Neither did I say farewell to classmates and friends when I graduated this March (I didn’t attend the ceremonies). Saying goodbye is perhaps a lesson I have yet to learn from school.

Being a transferee student, I find the three years I spent in UST inadequate, much so my two-year stay in the Varsitarian. There are so many things to learn, friends to keep, so much more memories to make. Now I know why I hardly say goodbye to people: it’s hard to utter words of exit.

But everything that has a beginning also has an end. And now I write the last edition of Nick-In. I will miss making columns, writing and editing articles, and will long for the days I was able to forge the “radical” in me.

It seems only yesterday when I entered UST a “totoy.” Coming out of the seminary for my regency leave was quite unnerving. This said, I can only be thankful to the professors who made me feel home.

To Mr. Reynaldo Reyes, for being fatherly all along. I wish you good health.

To Ms. Josephine Aguilar, who helped me enter UST. You’re still the best faculty secretary.

To my thesis adviser, Dr. Josephine Pasricha, who taught me Catholic feminalism. Hail woman—and man!

To my thesis coordinator, Ms. Fleurdeliz Altez, for the patience and the counsel.

To my existentialist professor, Dr. Jove Jim Aguas, and phenomenology teacher, Dr. El Mithra dela Cruz, for your inspiring thoughts that made me fall in love with philosophy.

To Atty. Bong Lopez, Mr. Robert Montaña, and my theology teachers, for the funny gags and lessons in life.

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To Mrs. Nenet Pereña, Ms. Rodora Lintag, and Mr. Ernie Mabahague, among others, for your warm understanding to your irregular student.

Best wishes as well to my classmates in Asian Studies, Behavioral Science, Communication Arts, Legal Management, Literature, Political Science, and Philosophy. Being an “irreg” gave me the benefit of having you all as friends.

To Ning, Marianne, Filio, Nico, Jun, Loi, Demetriou, Ryan, Berna, Charo, Cindy, Jeng, Jhet, Mel, Francine, Mark, Grechen, and the rest of my classmates in 4Phl2: thank you for making me more than an adopted classmate. I hope to spend another Christmas party with you.

Of course, all acclaim to my home, the Varsitarian. How can I ever forget the meals, I mean, the perks I received here. The overnight presswork, the outings, the opportunities, and the things I did here that for years had been my lifestyle. If not for the “V,” I wouldn’t have been able to hone my writing, learn journalism and office work, scour freely around UST, and interview personalities. With the V, my dream of getting my ideas see print has come true.

And to those who made this possible—

My cousin T.L., who invited me to take exams in the V, I’m grateful to find a brother in you.

Prof. Joselito Zulueta, who has been supportive of my endeavors and opened possibilities for me in the V and in the Inquirer. I will miss our “Church” talks.

My writers: the Nick’s Angels group—Kat, Rica, and Ruby; and the Nick’s Gigs—Reagan and Jeff. You’re the best team one can pray for. I hope you’ll continue the good mark we’ve started.

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My superiors and fellows in the V staff, especially my girlfriend, Deni Rose Afinidad. The memories will always be sweet.

My family, who spared me from responsibilities for me to concentrate on my studies.

Last but not the least, the merciful Lord who taught me that the secret to a happy life is to embrace one’s cross.

One final note. I remember what a priest told me when I left the seminary: “You’re not really leaving this house,” he said. “We’re just widening the fence.”

Ditto I say, I’m not really leaving UST or the Varsitarian. Time has only come for me to widen the fence.


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