NEW APPOINTMENTS to key administrative and academic positions welcomed the opening of the second semester.

Fr. Florentino Bolo, O.P., former UST central seminary vice rector and bursar, was named secretary general, replacing Fr. Isidro Abaño, O.P., who is now assistant to the rector for “quadricentennial activities and highlights.” Abaño will direct a planning committee for the 400th anniversary of UST in 2011.

Abaño, who served for five years as secretary general, remains director of the Museum of Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Civil Law regent.

In a letter to the Varsitarian, Bolo wants to strengthen UST’s public presence through the media.

“I cannot divulge yet other wonderful plans for 2011 but I assure you that many special events are currently in the works,” Bolo said.

There will also be a review of University policies and guidelines, he said.

Arts and Letters professor Anita Garcia, director of Student Welfare Development Board, was named officer in charge of the Office for Student Affairs after former assistant to the rector for student affairs Cristina Cabral finished her three-year term last October 31. Garcia will continue to be the adviser of the Student Organizations Coordinating Council.

The Faculty of Arts and Letters has a new dean, Michael Anthony Vasco, a professor of Philosophy and former faculty secretary of the Graduate School. He replaced dean Armando de Jesus who finished his second term.

In an interview with the Varsitarian, Vasco said he would continue the former dean’s five-year-plan to upgrade the college curriculum.

“I support the five-year plan, it’s just that we have to be realistic with the implementation,” said Vasco.

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Artlets’ five-year-plan that began this academic year involves faculty development, accreditation and reaccreditation of all courses offered, revision of the curriculum, the introduction of new courses AB English and AB History, and the creation of a new college for media studies.

Josefin de Alban, Jr., former head of the civil engineering department, was appointed dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Former Engineering dean Peter Lim left the country for personal reasons.

Under University rules, deans may only serve a maximum of two terms, equivalent to six years, unless extended by the Rector.

The acting status of Joseph Badinas as detachment commander of the security office has also been lifted. Former security office chief Clemente Dingayan is under therapy due to tendon damage, Badinas said. Jennifer Ann Ambanta and Cliff Harvey C. Venzon


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