AFTER three fruitless years, the Alfredo M. Velayo-College of Accountancy finally made it to the top of the podium, toppling defending champion Faculty of Arts and Letters (Artlets) en route to bringing home their first Pautakan trophy.

“The word ‘euphoric’ sums it all up. We didn’t expect it, but we had our high hopes,” said team captain Fermin Yabut who led the seven-man team to the championship. Accountancy always fell short of bagging the championship since joining the quiz contest in 2007. They did manage to claim the individual’s plum last year in the form of Yabut.

Accountancy blazed past Nursing with a 40-point lead, answering six difficult round questions worth 20 points each to end with 230 points over-all in the annual quiz contest held last February 24 at the Medicine Auditorium. Nursing ended as bridesmaids with 190 points, while Artlets dropped to third place with 175 points.

“We didn’t expect to go this far, or to be competing with last year’s champions. It was a good fight and we are proud of the honor we gave to our college,” said Nursing team captain Clark Edward Uytico.

Artlets made up for their team’s loss with political science senior David Nadora, Jr. claiming the individual’s crown. Yabut looked to bring a back-to-back championship for Accountancy had Nadora not spurned a last minute burst in the final two questions of the difficult round to come out on top with a 190-170 register.

“I guess I just had the gift of luck,” Nadora said. “I didn’t really know much on Philippine history or international sports, but I’ve made it through.”

Pautakan 2003

Ernesto Paruli III of Science placed second with 125 points, while debuting Pautakan soloists Francisco Montalvo III of Engineering and Mary Ann Estigoy of Nursing tied at third place with 120 points each.

“We hope to keep this trophy with us until we can. The team worked together [for] this victory. Accountancy will surely be back in next year’s Pautakan with fervent hope to defend the throne,” Yabut said. M. R. B. Maranan


  1. Marami akong nakita na related articles sa Archives ng site na ito. Sana maipasok nyo lahat ng iyon sa section na ito para malaman ng iba kung ano ang nangyari sa mga nakaraang Pautakan.

  2. Marami akong nakita na related articles sa Archives. Sana maipasok nyo po ito sa section na to para malaman ng iba kung ano nangyari sa mga nakaraang Pautakan. TY!

  3. Yeah dude, it is not politically incorrect to say “After three fruitless years..” – it’s a liitle bit offensive, but stupid and very inconsiderate.

    On the other hand, the revolving trophy was not invented. It was hmm.. manufactured.. carved from wood.. duh?

    4 years – never dropped from the top 3 teams. How dare you say it’s fruitless?

  4. How come that would be an ego? It’s just that it was unfair to say that we had fruitless years until bagging the our first chanmpionship. I am not saying that the article used the wrong word, but I may say that next time, please use more approporiate words especially on this kind of event which students really gave their best for their college. I am not a writer though, but being a reader and especially being former team captain, the use of the word doesn’t good sound though. No offense, we’re free to opine our own side.
    Good luck to the succeding Pautakan contests, and continue bringing the thrill during the competition.

    • AGAIN….
      Being “competitive” is not synonymous to being champions outright. Again, for the record ang binibilang sa Pautakan ay number of championships. That’s the gauge. That’s the standard. Hindi second or third.

    • As the defending champion, Accountancy has always been a good performer in the Pautakan since it joined the competition some years ago. In terms of record, competence is out of the question. Nevertheless, the article was bent on the context of CHAMPIONSHIP, which Accountancy fell short of in the past few years (needless to say, they were never champions until 2010. Think of a James Ingram song and you’ll get: “I did my best, but I guess my best wasn’t good enough.”). Again, the concept of FRUITLESS was bent on CHAMPIONSHIP, not necessarily runner-up finishes. Ego was not intentionally harmed.


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