THOMASIANS should work together for the development of the University, UST officials said during the opening mass at the Santisimo Rosario Parsih last June 6.

Aside from the mass celebrated by Fr. Quirico Pedregosa, O.P., prior provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines, University archivist Regalado Trota-Jose retold UST’s history during the 145-year-old tradition “Discurso de Apertura” (opening lecture).

Pedregosa lauded in his homily the University’s “diverse academic officials” and reminded them to use their gifts and yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit.

After the Mass, Trota-Jose discussed major events in UST’s history as gleaned from the local archives.

In line with the 150th birth anniversary of the national hero, he showed pieces of evidence disproving myths about Jose Rizal’s stay in UST.

‘Unbounded generosity’

Explaining the “three gifts of the Holy Spirit” or Tria Haec, Pedregosa said Thomasians should “renew themselves from within,” “give unique contributions to serve all the constituents of our University better,” and “renew in us the grace of unbounded generosity.”

“We have to become people who live up to the Holy Spirit,” said Pedregosa, who is also the UST Vice Chancellor.

The Mass, attended by the members of the Dominican clergy, academic senate, administrators, alumni, students, non-teaching staff, and the Quadricentennial Service Award recipient Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim (see related story), was co-celebrated by Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P., Rector of the University, and Fr. Franklin Beltran, O.P., Faculty of Engineering regent and Santissimo Rosario Parish priest.

Archives revisited

Trota-Jose said during his lecture, entitled “Facebook Flashback: The Archives and the Story of the University,” that the archives continue to accumulate files, yearbooks, and documents. He likened it to the social networking site Facebook for “it is [being] continually updated.”

A real working council this year, CSC pledges

The lecture was divided into four sections, with details based on the work of historian and former archivist Fr. Fidel Villaroel, O.P.

The first section, entitled “Indio Students in the 1770’s,” provided a glimpse of names and racial profiles of students during the period.

The second part called “The title ‘Royal’” recalled the bestowal of the title “Royal” to UST by King Charles III of Spain.

The national hero’s notable grades during his years of study in UST were presented in the third section, “Rizal’s grades in UST,” which included Villaroel’s “seven pointers” that negate claims of Rizal being discriminated in the University.

The last section, “The University Church,” discussed the history of the UST gymnasium and chapel, two of the oldest buildings in the campus.

“As we see, the archives bear witness to how we carried out and continue to carry out the holy work of education in all its dimensions”.


  1. Really? Pero bakit sa pagbabago ng design ng university seal hindi sinama ang mga mag-aaral sa desisyon? Any drastic changes in the University, the students, its faculty and non-teaching staff, as well as the alumni should ALWAYS be consulted.

    The University seal is the symbol of its identity, it should be regal and fit for its 400 years of existence and academic excellence.


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