MORE than a year after its bicentenary, representatives of the Republic of Chile again visited the University to discuss the country’s foreign policies at the Civil Law Auditorium last Oct. 18.

Ambassador Fernando Schimdt, Chilean undersecretary for foreign affairs, said Chile’s foreign policy is based on the promotion of international peace and progress through the establishment of friendly political and economic relations with other countries.

While Chile pursues healthy trade relations with other countries, it has never been a question of marketing, Schmidt said.

Schmidt said his visit to the country aims to set a new stage in the bilateral relations between the Philippines and Chile, which has been focused on “areas that the Philippines is strong in,” like mining and geothermal energy.

Schmidt and Roberto Mayorga, ambassador of the Republic of Chile to the Philippines, visited the commemorative marker of Chile’s bicentenary in front of the Santisimo Rosario Parish after the lecture. Mayorga led Chile’s bicentenary celebration in UST last year.

Vice Rector Fr. Pablo Tiong, O.P., said there are many things the Philippines and Chile have in common—among which are spirituality, tolerance, happy disposition, and great capacity to find joy in living.

Chile is located in the South American continent, near the countries Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. The country was also a colony of Spain. It gained independence in 1818.

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